14 Feb What happens when you take your power back
In a world that is demanding, that has lost purpose and that expects more from you – you tend to forget who you really are, I mean in your CORE. So what happens is that essentially you give your power away, you start to doubt yourself, your dreams, goals, intent and wonder if you are worthy. This is not only heartbreaking but also soul-destroying. It impacts your entire life, your relationships with others, your career, sport, religion and beliefs – about you, the world and so much more.
There is always a choice, a decision to be made – however that locus of control is in you. When the cave you are in is dark, lonely and feels safe, that is when you need to switch on the headlamp, light the match and see that if you decide to have different, you can have different. It is a tough decision to make since only you can light that match, only you can decide that if you return to your core that you have you back.
Taking back your power is really just about realizing that you have a choice. It is not about changing the world in a day but changing your world by making a choice. When we give our choices away we give our power away.
Make the choice. Light the match. Change your world – Be you.