
What is real and what is not? What is your perception, about yourself? Your world? What is your narrative? Are you holding yourself back by being your worst critic? Or by being the hero? Your excuses? Are you selling them to yourself as reasons? Only if you are willing to change your awareness of yourself will you be able to really SEE!! There is nothing worse than having sight...

Be kind to yourself – you are human, not perfect The creams/lotions and potions will not take your cellulite away Buy into yourself – trust yourself – love yourself fiercely Time is precious – learn to use your time wisely Success is different for everyone – find your passion and go there! Don’t allow people – no matter who they are – to tell...

Afraid of letting go or afraid of being all that you can be? If you can distinguish between the two - you might just be able to take your power back. Imagine the possibilities!...

Ask yourself these simple, yet profound questions: Do you have the WILL? WILL you stand up for yourself? WILL you speak the truth even if your voice shakes? WILL you say no to the right things? WILL you be an active participant in your own life? ...

I feel I need to ask myself a few potentially difficult questions. What is this thing we call hope? I call it a thing – not a concept, feeling or an emotion- a thing. Until I can find an answer....

In my profession as a coach, I have seen and heard people searching for success. Some people say that the new buzz word is 'obsession'. And if you are not obsessed, you will not achieve anything....

Don’t confuse temporary setback with permanent failure, though. Setbacks are not failure, but quitting is. The only way you can fail is if you quit because you can’t do it. If you’re not willing to push through everything to what you really want most, then you don’t deserve it anyway. The world will test and try your will to seize what you want. Never give...