Executive Coaching

"Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin

Coaching is a direct, customised method for leadership development and should be a cooperative partnership among the employee, the organisation, and the coach. The predominant objective is to help you be the very best version of yourself as a leader, employee, and whole person. It assists in developing clarity of thought, defining goals to make them obtainable and building confidence while faced with difficult work situations.

What is Executive Coaching?

The purpose of executive coaching is to align an individual’s story with those of the business environment in order to improve relations throughout the organisational network. It is therefore important to understand and acknowledge the unique context of the business and thus align coaching interventions to its culture. This approach presents the greatest prospect for achieving success that permeates all levels of the organisation and delivers true, tangible results.

Personal development

Through identifying strengths and focussing on other areas for development

Identify behaviour patterns

Identify patterns that are beneficial/detrimental


Create new strategies for dealing with changes in the workplace

Increased performance

Increase performance to the next level


Align thoughts, actions and emotions with internal standards

Improve people-skills

Skilfully deal with people in a variety of environments

Setting goals

Use a unique opportunity to set own agenda and own goals according to personal aims and aspirations

Confidential sounding-board

Professional and confidential consultations based on trust and integrity

Marie is an executive coach for clients at various blue-chip companies as well as supporting psychiatrists, physicians, WITS and individuals in their private capacity.

Are you looking for group coaching/facilitation?

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All sessions are interactive, insightful and ultimately lead to a change in behaviour. Some workshops on offer include but are not limited to:

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Immunity to change
  • Negotiation skills
  • Time management / Self management
  • Agile leadership
  • Coaching skills
  • Coaching versus mentoring – an introduction for managers and leaders of teams